Whether a college education is essential in business or not will be debated for years to come. There are, however, several successful entrepreneurs who dropped out of college and have gone on to prove that building a successful business may have nothing to do with a degree. Ray Scott is one such entrepreneur who built a successful e-commerce business even after dropping out of college.
Ray attended Norfolk State University as an IT major but did not finish his four years in school. After dropping out, Ray decided to pursue his entrepreneurship dreams. He started this in 2014 by having people complete CPA offers on the ProjectPayDay website. After making $4000 in that first venture, Ray decided to focus entirely on e-commerce and started selling advertising space on marketing platforms.
After making $4000 in that first venture, Ray decided to focus entirely on e-commerce and started selling advertising space on marketing platforms.
At that time, Ray was working at the Navy Federal Credit Union. He decided to launch his own store as an Amazon Seller in 2016 to substitute his salary from the credit union to focus on his business. He was successful with the Amazon store, making $100k sales in just six months. In less than a year, he was consistently making hundreds of thousands in gross sales each month.
Spurred on by this success, Ray launched Superior Dropshipping, a platform where he could help aspiring entrepreneurs build, scale, and manage their Amazon seller accounts. His dedication has helped him develop and manage over 400 accounts, making consistent profits each month.
Being a college dropout comes with a negative connotation. Still, Ray’s determination to turn that into a positive pushed him to give his all in his business, often working for more than 16 hours each day of the week to see his entrepreneurship dreams come true.
While he does not advocate for dropping out of college, Ray Scott has proved that struggling in academics may be the universe’s way of showing you that you perhaps need to pursue a different path in life, just like he did.