Entrepreneurship is a way to test what you are made of. Businessmen of old, who were grounded by social values to stand by their ethics, are the shoulders on which stand the young entrepreneurs of today. Arut Nazaryan is one of them. His focus and passion helped him look forward to what success brings and failure teaches.
All aspects of the nature of our personality can be worked upon. Not improved upon only to help one operate better within the society but to co-operate better with one’s self. For Arut, focus has been one area where there’s no limit to improvement. He says, “I learned the value of focus early in life. I saw it by the result it produced, the personalities it’s lacking or presence created. To me, focus became a symbol of internal strength and the ability to think a problem through and its solution. I also understood that the world we live in has laid bear traps for focus everywhere. In other words, several easily available comforts can drive us away from the discomfort one must put one through to concentrate on work, family, friends, and self. If one’s focus can prevail under present circumstances, for me, that’s an accomplishment in itself.”
Passion has been the spirit that has overturned many impossibilities to reveal the light of possibility. For Arut, it’s the very spirit of creation. He says, “I have come to realize that all of us, at some point or another, desire to do something out of the ordinary, something new, something more challenging than anything else we’ve ever done. Most people don’t pursue this beyond the realm of imagination. Those who do, persevere thanks to their internal passions. Every discovery and every single failure fuels their passion to carry on. When I was recognized as the youngest and wealthiest businessman in Uzbekistan and was mentioned in Forbes, it was because I followed where my passion led me.”
Arut is a well-known name in the crypto community. But he has not limited himself to it. He has his fingers in many different pies, namely, a crypto exchange, gaming platform, analytical YouTube channel, a production company, and an investment fund. “For me, I have come a thousand miles from where I started, and there’s a thousand more yet to cover.”
As Arut’s go-getter attitude gets whetted with time, he’s sure to go places that will help him improve himself and the world he lives in.