A wise man once said that a business without advertising is like a ship sailing in the thick darkness of the night; no one takes note of it. In modern times, social media has replaced traditional advertising in a big way. Moreover, it has also attained a more powerful role in shaping social and individual thought processes. Entrepreneur Edikan Adiakpan shares with us five key reasons why a good social media strategy is critical for business growth and success in today’s world.
The changing world
For Edikan Adiakpan, the digital world is still in a stage of development. “Considering the size of the world’s total population, the number of digital inhabitants is still quite small. However, things are changing fast and progressing at a rapid pace,” says Edikan. In this changing digital world, the field conditions are set not just by a brand’s spending power, but also by its strategy. Many successful brands have spent little or nothing on their campaigns. Instead of worrying about online spending, they focus on the viral potential of the content they develop. “‘Is the content sharable?’ should be the key question when deciding on an online campaign,” as per him.
The connected world
“The internet provides us with a gateway to the minds and wallets of the target audience,” says Edikan. According to him, “Things are more connected than ever before. Not losing sight of these facts is critical to come up with a winning strategy. Things that were considered impossible in the past are very much possible today. Also, as technology is developing on the one hand, on the other, it is getting more and more affordable.”
The opinionated world
Edikan is no activist himself, but he too, like every one of us, has his own opinions. “Opinions make the world what it is,” says Edikan. According to him, “A good social media strategy must create a space for the brand to stand for something that people care about. This is a way to give back to the world.”
The self-centric world
As per Edikan, “The world has come a long way from the geocentric phase and the helio-centric phase to its current self-centric phase. People in the digital era are more self-aware of their image, their potential, and their place in society. A good social media strategy allows the brand to connect with like-minded folk, who appreciate and prescribe to the values of the brand.”
The new world
“And finally,” says Edikan, “the new world is a brave one. It allows us to try new things and be bold in our strategies to enhance customer engagement. Approaching today’s problems and opportunities must be seen in the light of the new world, where new ways of thinking and strategizing are the keys to growth and progress.” Edikan Adiakpan’s views on the changing world and the importance of a solid social media strategy are practical and refreshing. We wish Edikan all the success for his future endeavors.