A lot of people groan when they have to exercise or they just straight avoid it. It has been suggested that this attitude towards exercise is born from an incorrect perception of it.
Exercise is not punishment for eating that donut. It is not punishment for letting things slip and having four glasses of wine or sneaking in that dessert. It is not what you deserve because you could not stay awake the whole night to get that work proposal out.
For decades, these types of mantras have been fed to us and now we are faced with a growing sector of society who avoid exercise as well as a growing sector of society with mental health issues. This is not a suggestion that there is a direct correlation. However, Robert Abruzzese, Instagram fitness influencer and marketing professional, proposes that the latter can greatly reduce the former.
Exercise is therapy and medication all wrapped into one. It doesn’t matter if you ate that donut, that is not the reason you must be doing exercise. Do exercise because:
- It makes every cell in your body healthy
– It increases your mental stamina- It increases your mental processing speed
– It increases the quality of your blood
– It increases your metabolic rate
– It increases your willpower
– It produces endorphins which make you confident
– It allows more 5HTP to cross over the brain blood-barrier thereby making you happier
It makes you physically and mentally healthier, physically and mentally stronger, more positive in your outlook and more able to stick to willpower choices.
Don’t do exercise to lose weight, that is a negative goal. Exercise to be healthy and positive, the rest follows by default and it makes the exercise goal more sustainable in the long term.
Robert has a proven track record showing how a focus on health and wellness delivers a happier, more fulfilled life. He has put in enormous amounts of work and effort over the years, has experienced crushing failures, including crushed vertebrae, and has chosen to learn from these failures. Exercise has pulled him through each down period and has propelled him onto the next adventure. Success is rarely a straight line for people, there are times of chaos, but success comes from listening to advice, listening to your gut, respecting that input and pushing through. Without having a fit body and mind how can you be ready when that push is needed?
Robert shares that after some big life goals were removed from his grasp due to circumstances beyond his control, he was initially crushed. He adapted, however, and overcame defeat. After many years, whilst enjoying career success, he became complacent and lost focus on his exercise and healthy eating. In New York’s intensely pressured social status game he became lost in an unhealthy lifestyle, so unhealthy it landed him in hospital for a week after an attempted suicide.
With therapy and a renewed focus on exercise, his mind and body started pumping positivity. Robert had to start replacing the negative thoughts with more positive thoughts, starting with the basics. Daily he asked, “What are the small things I can be grateful for? Food on my table, clothes on my back and a roof over my head. I can achieve health, I have a great family, my family loves me, I have an apartment, I have a supporting new friendship group. I had to keep repeating it. The more you do that, the more momentum builds.”
Robert has again freed up time in his schedule so that he can focus on himself, his fitness and his health. Very quickly this has created other opportunities for him with an excellent social media network growth, brands approaching him to be their ambassador and new brands asking him to manage their marketing and events.
“Everything that I have trained in and studied has made me ready for today. Nothing was a waste. I have a strong reservoir of knowledge and skill sets obtained from my diverse journey,” shares Robert.
“I feed myself positive messages, that’s the healthiest diet. I read positive content and ensure I build a circle of positive people,” says Robert. “Taking care of your body and your mind and feeding it with positive content, surround yourself with positive happy people, start reading positive books and follow positive inspirational pages because your thoughts become reality. Unless you are taking care of your body and mind you can have a million dollars and still not be happy. It has been proven again and again.”
Being positive is a choice and it is something you can practice, build up, and sustain. “I wake up, make breakfast, hit the gym and am prepped holistically for my day: whether it’s work, reading or meditating or going to my coaches. Coaching is so important; it amplifies your efforts in whatever area you are being coached” explains Robert.
“Dealing with adversity toughens you up and sharpens your mind. It hones you for greater things”, advises Robert.
The hard work, exercising positivity and the focus on health and wellness has boosted many aspects of Robert’s life as he tells of better relationships with people, growth of work opportunities and positive leads coming in from people all over.
Robert’s tips for maintaining positivity: “Through the positivity exercises I have trained my brain and have built more synapses relating to positivity. If I have a sad morning I will go for a run, if I am angry, I will go lift some weights and if I am happy I will go lift some weights.”
Exercise: free therapy and free medication. That’s a free tip from Robert Abruzzese, who makes positivity look very good. Now folks, go pump some positivity.