Saeed Rashed Bin Ghadayer, noted trainer and authority in the world of equestrian sports, believes that a successful career within equestrian sports is possible for those who are determined to achieve it. Here, Ghadayer shares 5 tips to building a fulfilling career in the world of equine sports.
Be brave
The world of equestrian sports revolves around animals who have minds of their own that can be unpredictable, so it pays to be brave. Ghadayer expands on this saying, “Whether you want to succeed as a trainer or a rider, being confident in your ability to rise to any unpredictable challenge is a must!”
Stay aware of sporting trends
If you are aspiring to have a career in equestrian sports you likely have hands-on experience or you hold a degree in equine studies. However you came to the sport, you must never stop learning about it. According to Ghadayer, “No matter the rank or status you want to have in this business, it pays to remember that it is a changeable one.”
Assess your finances
If you hope to build a career as a trainer, then you should start the journey with a business plan. Your plan should cover where your beginning capital will come from and outline whether you will use equity or utilize a capital loan. Ghadayer advises, “The financial rewards of being a trainer are equal to the commitment and capital you put into it.”
Be open to being an apprentice
When you embark on a new career it’s natural to want to become an expert within it, but the equine sports world is not one to rush into without gaining some experience first. Ghadayer says, “Accept any hands-on experience that is offered to you. Experience is a priceless commodity that will pay off in the future.”
Fully commit
A career within equestrian sports isn’t just a job, it’s a lifestyle, and fully committing to it is the fastest way to succeed in it. Ghadayer expands on this by saying, “In equine sports, connections mean everything. Even when you are not working, you should still be networking within the equestrian sports community.” Saeed Rashed Bin Ghadayer believes that a career within equestrian sports can be incredibly profitable and rewarding for those who are willing to pursue it.